
e bike off road

접이식 팻 타이어 전기 자전거는 구매할 가치가 있을까요?

The popularity of electric bikes is growing fast, not just in the United States alone but in other countries. These bikes are of different types; thus, you will get one suitable for your terrain. Almost all folding fat tire electric bikes are uniquely designed. However, most of them feature a pedal, a handlebar, and a frame.

Also, the bikes come with interesting selling points; they are electric-powered and feature latches. Thus, storing them is easy and can save you space. These bikes are portable, easy to transport, and suitable for vacations. Read on to see why you should buy folding fat-tire electric bikes.

folding fat tire electric bike

What are the advantages of folding fat tire electric bicycles

Health Benefits

The bikes are electric-powered and thus improve the physical health of the rider. Riders still need to cycle, hence burning more calories. Besides, they help build muscles and endurance. The fact that they enable you to move from one scenery to another while allowing you to breathe fresh air can help to improve one’s mood while reducing stress. This enables them to have a restful sleep which enhances productivity.

Electric Powered

The fat tire e-bikes are electric-powered. They are pedal-assist, meaning riding on rough terrains, inclines, and hills is easier. Riding these bikes reduces stress on the joints and gives people who would find it hard to ride the traditional bicycle a chance to cycle.

Space Saving

Folding e-bikes are space-saving, so you can fold and unfold them anytime. Therefore, if you have a space problem, the massive space-saving feature will allow you to store the bike anywhere, including under your desk. You could keep it in a coat closet if you need more space. But if the tire is too fat, you may only achieve a little by folding and storing it.

Easy To Transport

The bike is suitable for people who like traveling. It is better than the traditional bike since you can fold and keep it in your van. However, you may need to check the dimensions to ensure that it fits into your van after folding.

All you need is to fold and fit it on a bicycle hitch rack. However, be on the watch out when buying the rack. Some racks can accommodate the fat e-bikes while others will not. So ensure to choose a rack that can accommodate your bicycle. Sometimes, you may need an add-on kit if the tires are too fat.

Also, you may fold the bike and store them in plastic bins or storage tubs. Such tabs could fit at the back of your station wagon or SUV since they are plastic and slide easily. Unfortunately, if you like traveling by air, you may not transport it by plane. They come with a large battery; thus, most airlines will not allow you to travel with them.
There is no doubt that folding fat tire e-bikes are beneficial and worth the investment. If you plan to buy a folding fat tire electric bike, you can contact us.

접이식 팻 타이어 전기 자전거는 구매할 가치가 있을까요? 더 읽기"

e bike off road

로드 전기 자전거의 6가지 장점

전기 자전거가 점점 더 인기를 얻고 있는 지금, 로드 전기 자전거란 무엇이며 로드 전기 자전거의 장점은 무엇인지 알아보겠습니다. 전기 자전거는 자전거를 처음 타는 사람이든 열성적인 라이더든 건강과 피트니스, 재정적 이점, 환경적 이점 등 다양한 용도로 사용할 수 있습니다.

전기 자전거를 타고 출퇴근하는 것부터 산악 자전거 트레일 정상에 더 빨리 오르는 것까지, 전기 자전거를 타면 얻을 수 있는 6가지 이점이 있습니다.

road electric bike

로드 전기 자전거란 무엇인가요?

전기 자전거 또는 전기 자전거는 페달을 밟는 동안 보조하는 모터가 장착된 자전거입니다. 자전거에서는 충전식 배터리가 모터에 전원을 공급합니다.

전기자전거로 분류하려면 모터가 스스로 추진하지 않고 라이더를 보조해야 합니다. 이러한 지원을 받으려면 페달을 밟아야 합니다. 페달을 얼마나 세게 밟고 어떤 수준의 지원을 선택하느냐에 따라 모터가 제공하는 파워의 양이 달라집니다.

다음과 같은 여러 모드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 로드 전기 자전거 시스템을 통해 페달을 통해 전달되는 파워와 주행 거리 및 배터리 수명의 균형을 맞출 수 있습니다.

로드 전기 자전거의 장점:

1, 도로용 전기자전거는 다루기 쉽습니다:

로드 전기 자전거는 사용이 매우 간단합니다. 로드 전기 자전거 최근의 자동화 개선 덕분에 이제 제어와 사용이 간편해졌습니다. 어디에서든 쉽게 이동할 수 있습니다. 이동 중에도 수동에서 전동으로 또는 그 반대로 전환할 수 있습니다.

2. 로드 전기 자전거는 빠르고 유연합니다:

전기 자전거를 이용하면 일반 자전거보다 더 멀리, 더 빠르게 이동할 수 있습니다. 대부분의 모델이 일반 자전거와 비슷하지만, 전기 자전거에는 모터와 배터리가 포함되어 있습니다. 따라서 경사를 쉽게 오르고, 피로하지 않고 더 멀리 달리고, 교통 체증을 따라잡고, 소형 트레일러를 견인할 수도 있습니다.

많은 주와 도시에서 전기 자전거에 대해 기존 자전거와 동일한 규정을 적용하고 있지만, 전기 자전거의 종류에 따라 현지 법규가 다를 수 있습니다. 따라서 전기 자전거를 구매하기 전에 로드 전기 자전거를 통해 현지 법률을 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.

3. 로드 전기 자전거는 자전거를 타는 데 도움을 줍니다:

배터리 전원과 페달 지원으로 인해 다음과 같은 이점이 있습니다. 로드 전기 자전거 는 도시 통근자들이 선호합니다. 목적지에 도달하기 위해 모든 에너지를 쏟을 필요가 없습니다. 포장도로, 언덕을 오르내리거나 거친 지형에서 라이딩할 때 이 전기 자전거는 사용이 간편하여 모든 성별과 연령대의 라이더에게 완벽한 제품입니다.

4. 로드 전기 자전거는 몸매 관리에 도움이 될 수 있습니다:

사용 로드 전기 자전거 는 전반적인 웰빙을 향상시킬 수 있는 건강한 활동입니다. 자전거는 신체가 칼로리를 소모하는 속도를 높이기 때문에 페달을 밟는 데 도움을 받더라도 훌륭한 신체 단련 효과를 제공합니다. 자신의 요구 사항에 따라 피트니스 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되는 자전거를 선택할 수 있습니다. 피트니스 트래커와 액세서리를 사용하면 운동 진행 상황을 추적하여 더 나은 운동을 할 수 있습니다. 전자 자전거 경로, 체력 수준, 이동 거리를 추적하는 피트니스 트래커를 활용하여 건강 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 도와주세요.

5. 도로용 전기 자전거를 타고 비용을 절약하세요:

비용 절감은 거의 모든 사람에게 유리합니다. 전기자전거로 도로를 주행하면 자동차나 오토바이와 같은 다른 차량의 유지비와 연료비가 줄어듭니다. 배터리가 좋으면 충전 없이도 장시간 주행할 수 있습니다. 고품질 휴대용 및 태양광 충전기는 실용적이고 빠르게 충전할 수 있습니다. 여분의 배터리를 준비하거나 집이나 자주 이용하는 장소에 보관해 두면 언제든 전기자전거를 사용할 수 있습니다.

6. 도로용 전기 자전거는 환경에 유익합니다:

오늘날 지구 온난화와 기후 변화의 문제는 매우 심각합니다. 로드 전기 자전거 는 도시를 돌아다니기 위한 지속 가능한 솔루션입니다. 전기자전거는 대기 중으로 유해한 물질을 배출하지 않고, 지구 깊은 곳에서 발견되는 화석 연료를 사용하지 않으며, 탄소 발자국도 매우 작습니다. 전기 자전거를 사용하여 대기 질을 개선함으로써 환경을 보호할 수 있습니다. 로드 전기 자전거 또한 사용 시 소음이 적어 소음 공해를 줄여 환경에도 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다. 또한 무게가 가볍기 때문에 일반 자동차보다 도로에 미치는 영향도 적습니다.


로드 전기 자전거는 많은 이점을 제공하므로 다음을 고려해야 합니다. 전기 자전거 보증 정책. 손상에 대한 적절한 보장을 원하는 경우 로드 전기 자전거. 코스휠 는 결함이 있거나 손상된 부품을 사용자 실수 없이 교체해 드립니다. 부품에 결함이 있는 경우, 코스휠 로 교체해 드립니다. 배송 중 상품이 손상된 경우 교체해 드립니다. 

합리적인 횟수의 시도 후에도 제품을 수리할 수 없는 경우에는 다음과 같이 처리합니다. 에서 대체 제품을 제공합니다.


로드 전기 자전거의 6가지 장점 더 읽기"

e bike off road

전기 자전거 브랜드 선택 시 고려해야 할 요소


Nowadays, as gas prices rise at their peak, people are considering the best alternative. We all require a mode of transport that is convenient and affordable. In this manner, Electric bikes have become quite popular. Many electric bikes brands are providing a range of e-bikes that are the best mode of transport.
Those electric bike long ranges allow passengers to have a quick and durable way to travel. These bikes can even save you time and money to get around the destination. There is a range of electric bike models found on the market. Now you will be able to get one that matches your needs and preference. Further, we will mention essential factors before getting one.

Consider the Models of Electric Bike They Have:

Different electric bicycle brands, their models also determine its practicality and the degree to which it best suits your needs. Make sure the electric bike model you choose fits your needs and lifestyle. You can choose several models of e-bikes which include Tork Kratos, Oben Rorr, Odyssey, and many others. The COSWHEEL valuable model of e-bike does look not only cool but also valuable to invest in all-terrain e-bikes. 

You can choose hybrid e-bikes, power e-bikes, utility e-bikes, and cargo e-bike based on the specs and features. If you require a model which has high handlebars and comfortable seating, then choose an electric bike with a long range. 

Ensure the Gears Quality They Have:

When choosing an electric bike, some customers put speed first. The derailleur system that comes with the Electric Bike long range collection lets riders change the bike's gears to accommodate these customers. Like in hybrid e-bikes, the rider can use different pedal gears so that the legs can be put under less stress as they move around. Because it gives you complete speed control, the gear system makes it simple to navigate the city.
Look into models with perfect gear systems that match your style and lifestyle. Additionally, the bike is equipped with numerous safety features to prevent accidents.

Quality of the Electric Bike Long Range Battery:

The battery that powers an electric bike is simple to recharge at most power outlets. It is vital to ensure that the battery in your electronic bike model is of high quality. Most electric bikes brand focus on the quality of battery life like COSWHEEL.
Consider the battery's range when selecting a model because it will determine how long it can run without needing to be recharged. There are three types of batteries available for electronic bikes:
1.Nickel-cadmium batteries are extremely light. They have a few drawbacks, particularly with regard to memory.
2.Lead-acid batteries are the least expensive. However, they are the best option.
3.Lithium batteries provide power consistently. However, they are more expensive. You should only consider Electric Bike long range lithium batteries if your budget allows for them.

Consider the Weight of the Electric Bikes You Choose:

When selecting an electric bikes brand, you should also take into account your own weight. Look for a model that can comfortably support your weight without tipping over. If you are not sure about which model to buy, then search according to the weight of the bikes. It's best to talk to a salesperson. They will recommend the best bike for your needs if you tell them how you intend to use your bike.When selecting an electric bikes brand, you should also take into account your own weight. Look for a model that can comfortably support your weight without tipping over. If you are not sure about which model to buy, then search according to the weight of the bikes. It's best to talk to a salesperson. They will recommend the best bike for your needs if you tell them how you intend to use your bike.

Electric bikes are the future of today's sports field. However, it gives a perfect alternative when it comes to getting a unique transport. Most people acquire the right electric bikes brand who are providing the best bikes that are suitable for their lifestyle. COSWHEEL is one of the leading electric bike manufacturers that provide sustainable modes of transport. 

Furthermore, COSWHEEL provides a range of electric bikes that could be a sustainable mode of transport. These e-bikes help cut down your carbon footprint, which can even benefit the environment greatly. So choose the best one and get the feel of exciting the future of electronic bikes!

전기 자전거 브랜드 선택 시 고려해야 할 요소 더 읽기"

all-terrain ebike

전기 자전거의 장점은 무엇인가요?

coswheel Ebike

An electric bike, commonly referred to as an e-bike, is a battery-powered bike that helps you get from place to place more easily than walking or driving. Over the years, these electric vehicles have become increasingly popular due to their efficiency and minimal environmental impact.

The main advantages of choosing an electric bicycle are as follows:

Save on transportation costs: E-bikes can make commuting to work and shopping more enjoyable for a fraction of the cost of driving because electricity is cheaper than gas and there are no parking fees.

Stay healthy while commuting: If you're stuck in traffic on your way to work, it can be frustrating and stressful. Not only is commuting by bike a great way to get some exercise, but it's also a great distraction from sitting behind the wheel for hours. So, if you're looking for a daily fitness routine, consider an e-bike to get around.

Support local green initiatives: It's a personal choice that helps not only our planet, but our health as well. If you use a car to commute, switching to an e-bike will help reduce your carbon footprint and save money.

Help reduce traffic congestion: Whether you're going to work or school, taking a trip to a friend's house, or running errands around town, you can rely on your bike instead of your car to reduce traffic congestion.

The joy of off-road: riding an electric bicycle can freely shuttle on various roads and experience all kinds of fun, coswheel T20, T26, F1 can realize your dream!

enjoy this best electric bike

전기 자전거의 장점은 무엇인가요? 더 읽기"

e bike off road

전기 자전거에 대한 진정한 포인트는 여기에서 확인하세요.

전기 자전거, 여러분에게 제안하고 싶은 것

우리는 전기자전거를 사랑합니다. 전기자전거가 자전거를 쉽게 이용할 수 있게 해주고, 전기자전거가 사용하는 정교한 기술을 좋아합니다. 오늘은 전기자전거에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것과 구입 방법을 알려드리려고 합니다. 로드용 전기자전거, 하이브리드 전기자전거, 산악용 전기자전거에 대해 이야기해 보겠습니다. 

전기 자전거의 장점

안전한 속도

법적으로 유럽의 모든 전기 자전거는 시속 25킬로미터로 제한되어 있습니다. 따라서 이 제한을 초과하면 더 이상 지원을 받을 수 없는데, 이를 페달 어시스트라고 합니다. 안전합니다.

전기 자전거에 좋은 점

나중에 다른 모터 시스템에 대해 설명할 때 더 자세히 설명하겠습니다. 페달을 밟기 시작할 때 가속감을 만들어내는 것이 바로 모터입니다. 또한 산악용 전기자전거, 로드 전기자전거, 하이브리드 전기자전거 등 다양한 모델에서 큰 차이를 느낄 수 있습니다. 

산악용 전기자전거는 토크 등급이 더 높기 때문에 오프로드나 가파른 오르막길을 라이딩할 때 매우 중요합니다. 하이브리드 자전거도 마찬가지로 더 큰 가속력을 얻을 수 있기 때문에 토크 증가의 이점을 누릴 수 있습니다. 

신호등에서 정차한 상태에서 출발하거나 교통 체증 속에서 라이딩을 할 때 정말 유용합니다. 또한 자전거를 타고 출근할 수 있기 때문에 많은 이점을 제공합니다. 땀을 덜 흘리거나 더 먼 거리를 출퇴근할 수 있습니다. 오르막길에서 전기자전거는 일반 자전거에 최대한 가까운 라이딩 느낌을 재현했습니다. 이는 모터 배치, 파워 토크 전달, 페달링 저항에 따라 달라집니다.

Enjoy this best electric bike


전기 자전거에 모터를 배치할 때 주의해야 할 몇 가지 사항이 있습니다. 

첫 번째는 허브 드라이브라고 불리는 방식입니다. 모터가 뒷바퀴의 리어 허브에 장착되는 방식입니다. 배터리는 자전거의 다운 튜브에 있습니다. 두 번째 시스템은 미드 드라이브 모터로, 일반 자전거(전기자전거)와 같은 경량 시스템을 만들 수 있습니다. 부피가 커 보이지만 무게를 더 낮게 배치하는 이점이 있습니다. 이는 전기자전거의 핸들링에 매우 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 

이 시스템의 또 다른 큰 장점인 성능은 기어와 시너지 효과를 낸다는 점입니다. 이는 시스템의 전반적인 효율성을 높일 수 있습니다. 일부 브랜드는 낮은 토크를 우선시하는데, 이는 일반적인 라이딩 느낌을 만들기 위해서입니다. 즉, 페달링을 시작할 때 전기자전거가 급상승하거나 빠르게 가속하지 않습니다. 그러면 가속력이 떨어집니다. 이는 특히 오르막을 오를 때 더 많은 노력을 기울여야 한다는 뜻입니다. 

최근 화제가 되고 있는 주제입니다. 전기자전거의 배터리 용량은 일반적으로 도로용 전기자전거보다 훨씬 더 큽니다. 이는 오프로드와 가파른 지형에서 사용하는 터레인이라는 기술 때문입니다. 실제로 시속 25킬로미터 이상으로 주행하는 일은 거의 없습니다. 따라서 시마노 스텝을 포함한 더 큰 배터리 용량의 시스템을 지속적으로 사용하게 될 것입니다. 용량이 큰 배터리는 무게가 더 무거워진다는 단점이 있습니다. 따라서 로드용 전기 자전거는 종종 더 작은 용량의 배터리를 사양으로 지정하며, 전기 자전거의 무게를 줄이는 데 우선순위를 두려고 합니다.

전기 자전거 보안 조언

전기 자전거용 헬멧

자전거를 탈 때 반드시 헬멧을 착용해야 한다는 법적 규정은 없습니다. 하지만 출퇴근용으로 전기자전거를 탈 예정이라면 항상 헬멧을 착용할 것을 권장합니다. 정말 멋진 스타일의 헬멧도 있고, 주변을 밝게 비춰주는 조명 솔루션도 있습니다. https://www.coswheel.com/ebike-t20

전기 자전거에 필요한 몇 가지 도구.

또한 도구를 준비하는 것이 좋습니다. 라이딩 시 기계식 자전거를 사용한다면 다용도 핸드 펌프를 기본으로 구입하는 것이 좋습니다. 펑크가 났을 때 튜브를 교체할 수 있도록 타이어 레버 세트도 준비하세요. 

전기 자전거에 대한 진정한 포인트는 여기에서 확인하세요. 더 읽기"

e bike off road

전기 자전거: 알려드리고 싶은 비밀이 있습니다.

The global potential of e-bike

Hoverboards, skateboards, scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, unicycles, tricycles, you name it, we've ridden it. But I'm here to tell you why I think electric bikes are more than just a fun tech fad. I think they could be the future of transportation. But that said, there's a lot out there, and you don't want to get fooled.

So here's some stuff you need to know about e-bikes. E-bikes are not new. They've been around for decades. And if you live in China or Europe, it's a good bet that e-bikes are already a way of life for you.

In Europe, for example, e-bikes have long helped older adults maintain independence and are just now blowing up with younger riders. But in the U.S., e-bikes are still pretty niche. Compared to more bike-friendly countries like the Netherlands. The sales of electric bikes in the Netherlands are more sold than regular bikes. Overall, experts predict that sales will hit $23.8 billion by 2025 in the world.

The basic topic about e-bike

The e-bike will save your power

Before we understand why electric bikes are the future of transportation, let's talk about the basics. So generally speaking, e-bikes are bicycles with a battery-powered assist that comes through when you pedal or use a throttle. Pushing on the pedal activates a small motor that gives you a boost. So when you're zipping up a hill or cruising over rough terrain, you don't have to break a sweat. Twisting a throttle does the same thing but without pedaling.

Different types of motor for ebike

There are two types of motors. One is the mid-drive which is located in the middle of the electric bike, usually between the two pedals. And then there's the hub motor which is located in the center of either the front or the rear wheel. There are pros and cons to both types of motors. Hub drives have been around forever and tend to be cheaper and more versatile. 

They're excellent motors for anyone needing a reliable e-bike for long, most flat commuting. Mid-drives are usually smaller and lighter and can allow for greater torque than hub drives making them well work, suited for hilly areas and off-road use. Their center position on the bike also creates a more balanced ride.

Best electric bike, best power.

And changing a tire on a mid-drive bike is usually less of a pain in the ass. E-bikes also tend to use different types of sensors to determine how best to dole out power. There are two types, torque sensors, and cadence sensors. Torque sensors regulate the motor based on how hard you're pushing the pedals, while cadence sensors will work off of how fast you pedal.

Good bikes use torque sensors while the low-enders have cadence only, and a lot of bikes use both. I highly recommend testing out both types of motors before buying an e-bike to see which is the best for you.

Restrictions on electric bike in different area

The limited of motor for e-bike

Think about how you plan on using the bike. Commuting, off-roading, touring? The better e-bikes brands usually match the appropriate motor placement with the type of bike they're selling.

Most mountain bikes come with mid-range motors, and most commuter bikes are hub-based. Now let's talk power. Manufacturers will often offer power ratings for a variety of reasons.

Until recent power ratings were a way for bike companies to dance around Europe's strict importation laws which prohibited anything stronger than 250 watts.

But now they allow the sale of bikes with way more powerful motors, which is good because it allows bikes to be seen as a viable alternative to cars.

Still, power ratings can be pretty subjective, and you can probably get away with just ignoring them.

Different riding modes for e-bike

Alright, let's talk classes. There are three classes of e-bikes in the U.S.

Class one is pedal to assist with no throttle.

Class two is throttle & assisted but with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour.

In class three, it's pedal-assist only, no throttle, but with a maximum speed of 28 miles per hour.

In Europe, they only have two classes.

Class one, which is by far the most popular, has a maximum speed of 25 kilometers an hour with no helmet required.

Class two is 1,000 watt plus motors capable of going 45 kilometers an hour, require a helmet, and can't be ridden on bike paths. Alright, I promised to explain why I think that e-bikes are the future of transportation.

So here we go. First, it lowers the barrier to biking. So if you're someone who's older, or you find it hard to ride a bicycle, it lowers the barrier, and it's easier to justify getting on a bike and just riding. You're more likely to ditch your car or delete your Uber app if you know you're going to get to where you want to go without getting sweating and stressed out. 

Electric bike could also be used for business.

And look, if you're worried about electric bikes taking all the fun out of cycling, well, you're wrong. They're going to make our cities more livable, and they're going to help clear up traffic congestion. So as our cities are becoming more congested, some companies are turning to e-bikes to make their deliveries.

E-bikes are used by food delivery workers in some cities. UPS is using electric cargo bikes. German delivery company DPD is going to be using these cute-looking mini trucks. Those are e-bikes in disguise. E-bikes are changing the way that businesses are doing business. But more importantly, when you got to the office super quick, much faster than if you had taken the subway, and you weren't a sweaty, stressed-out mess when you arrived.

enjoy this best electric bike

We see them more as recreation than as transportation. https://youtu.be/kBKdTtNMz2w Our streets are designed for cars, and pedestrians and bikers are just an afterthought. But e-bikes can open up a whole world, especially for people with different abilities. Look, they're not going to solve everything, but I can guarantee that once you start riding, you're not going to want to stop. Here I recommend our new model-T26, it is pretty amazing. Not only suitable for commuting but also all-terrain. https://www.coswheel.com/emtb-t26

전기 자전거: 알려드리고 싶은 비밀이 있습니다. 더 읽기"

e bike off road

E-bike: The ultimate combination-T20.

E-bike, why you choose coswheel?

Today I present this exciting electric bike T20. It is selected as the Best Fat Tire E-bike of 2020 among other fat tire e-bikes. So if you want to know a little more about this amazing e-bike, stay there because I'll let you know more about it now:

It is not so simple to promote a new brand to the world. It requires a lot of research to let customers clearly understand who this company/manufacturer is. What products they have, the quality, technical support, all of that is super important for a new brand.

코스휠 is the manufacturer of T20, which was established in 2015. 코스휠 is from China, which is the same country where there are installed several companies, even Huawei, and other brands like DJI with drones, BYD with electric buses. They are all brands with super cool products, a technological zone compared today to America. And if there's technology, innovation, and quality, of course, it matches with everyone.

That's why we now bring T20: just take a look at this e-bike.

“COSWHEEL-T20” is selected as Best Fat Tire E-bike of 2021 among other fat tire e-bikes.

E-bike-NOVEL design!

Electric bike frame

The T20 has a super bold design. Someone even says that it resembles a BMW. Right away we can see that it is a fat bike with a 20 by 4-inch tire rim. Made of aluminum, the frame is also the compartment of the battery, and the soldering all around the frame is extremely well finished.

Just below the frame, there is a small case, and it fits perfectly with your cell phone or a bottle. A very nice accessory that can be installed and which is sold separately is the rear rack. Remember, the T20 bike supports a weight of up to 120 kg.

Electric bike configuration

The T20 bike comes equipped with a daytime running light called DRL. Remember that BMW headlamp that stays on. It's exactly this front light you have on T20. On the back is the traditional brake light and also the right and left blinkers. 

The T20's LCD display is a complete onboard computer. It shows current speed, average speed the maximum speed reached on the trip, the battery level, the total mileage, and the mileage of the trip. 

The T20's seat is adjustable and is ideal for anyone who is 1.65m or more. And it's extremely comfortable, no need to use those foam caps, one thing is that it has a hook in the back for when you have to lift your bike, making it easy to carry. 

And since I'm talking about comfort, let's go for the suspension. T20 has a double damping system: the front suspension that absorbs the first impact and goes down any type of curb.

And the suspension of the frame that absorbs the remainder of the impact during the ride. And this dual suspension together with the fat tire and the comfort of the seat makes the riding experience of this amazing bike unmatched by any other electric bike.

And it's not over! If everything I've already said wasn't enough, T20 is still surprising. With a 500 Watt motor and 48 Volt battery, it reaches speeds up to 45 km/h, and some have managed to surpass that mark. 

Best electric bike

E-bike-riding mode

The T20 acceleration can be triggered in three ways:

One is by the throttle itself.

The other with an assisted pedal.

Or 100% off and it becomes a conventional bike.

In throttle mode, there are 5 speeds set by the LCD panel.

In the assisted pedal function, the T20 offers the 7-speed Shimano gearbox. The speed of each gear depends on a few factors, including your energy, whether it is a slope or not. And also from the initial 5-speed programming.

And 100% off mode displaying zero there on the panel, the speed depends essentially on your physical effort. After all, the T20 becomes a conventional bike. In gear 1 you can ride effortlessly up to 12 km/h. This increases, in gear 2: 14 km/h, in gear 3: 16 km/h. And so on, whoever rides a bike with a gear knows that the higher gears keep getting more difficult, harder, but then you can reach at gear 7 more than 35 km/h with some effort.

Best electric bike


The T20 battery, as I said earlier, is stored in the frame of the bike and is removable, locked with a key, in other words, you can remove it any time put to recharge. Afterward, return to the bike so that you can ride in peace.

The T20 battery is available in 3 versions:The 10Ah version, the 15Ah version, and the 20Ah version.


In the 10Ah version, the T20 offers a range of up to 80 km with a single charge in pedal-assist mode. Note that when we talk about range, we have to always consider consumption factors, the driver's weight, speed, and even slope may interfere with battery consumption.

In throttle mode, the 10Ah version will deliver up to 40 km of range.

The 20Ah version, on the other hand, has twice the range of the 10Ah counterpart, in other words, it can reach up to 160 km of range in assisted mode and up to 80 km of range in throttle mode. 

E-bike-fun idea

Look, one of the nicest things about T20 is the countless possibilities it offers for those who want to enjoy a ride. For example, just to get an idea, we're speaking of 5 speeds and 7 gears. When you combine speed 1 for instance which is slower, with gear 7 which is theoretically harder. You have an extremely comfortable, soft performance, you can easily reach 25 km/h.

Or say, you want to sprint and a little more power you can set a higher speed, speed 5 for example, and a slightly lower gear. If you're already tired and don't want to ride anymore, no problem. Just go on the accelerator, and it will bring you comfort. And even if you don't want any help, you want to ride a regular bike:

Turn the motor off, set speed to 0 and your T20 turns into a conventional bike and then you will enjoy the ride.

The last thing I want to tell you, is such a perfect electric bike, why don't you try it?

E-bike: The ultimate combination-T20. 더 읽기"
